im damn tired after 3 days of marshalling.. but i just felt like blogging this down.
ACG today didnt went off quite well. in fact, there were incidents where other countries (actually only china), who threatened rapture that they will bring the issue up to wcg organisation. its not exactly what happened that bothers me. its the attitude.
so as many have heard, there was a 3-way tie for AOE3 between australia, china and hongkong and base on the rules, the win was given to australia, for having the highest total score. china was unhappy and demanded for an explanation. 3 people were sent to explain. first, the AOE3 in charge, then the chief marshal, then the rapture management. the guy who was in charge of the china players was SO RUDE. he started shouting very loudly that its unfair and that singapore management sucks and all that, despite the 3 people telling him very nicely that they are doing things according to rules, and that now that they are in singapore, they should follow the rules of singapore. furthermore, before they even started any games, marshals already brief them on what is going to happen if there is a tie. buy hey, we all understand that they flew all the way from china and if im the guy, i wouldnt want to give in so easily. airtickets aren't cheap. but the way the guy shouted.. its just bad. furthermore, he started PUSHING people. thats just, argh. doesnt reflect well on their country la.
on top of the bad attitude, the players werent very mannered. they came down early yesterday, the last day of singapore finals. took photos with the ACG scoreboard. and guess what they did! they were pointing middle fingers to other countries as they took pictures. like, hello? =.= that's just plain rude la. and they just bang into the competition area like its their home, demanding that they should be allowed to use the coms as and when they like. and you might have already heard that there was a dispute when micronology played against china's team. micronology typed "gg". and they assumed that micronology conceded and thats it, end of game, they win. then they kicked a fuss when they realised that "oh no, its not the end of the game!" they raised their voice at the marshal on duty, demanding for the rules of dota. first of all, its already hard to communicate with them in chinese. like how do you translate FROZEN THRONE in chinese? yah, just nice i walk past and heard what happened so i tried my very best to tell them in chinese that the only way a game is considered ended is when the throne or tree is down. thank god they understood me. and guess what, they glared and rolled their eyes at me after hearing me said that.
so my point is! basic manners should be observed when you're overseas. doesnt reflect well on the country. at end of the day, dont blame everyone for condemning your countries just because of that few black sheeps.
mai complain la..u sleep late..u urself wan complain..contradict leh!
bad manner of some Chinese players, yes, that is a disgrace. but some people's biased judgement and unreal exaggeration is neither something to be boasted about.
neither biased judgement nor unreal exaggeration, just plain truth.
im chinese too. (:
u sure ur chinese? shan is jus grumpy! work > her hahaha =X
its not the first time china pple are like tat take exp cpl sg they were also like tat when we found out they were using some extra comsole cmd which help them aim better in cs
dw they are always like this :)
its not the first time china pple are like tat take exp cpl sg they were also like tat when we found out they were using some extra comsole cmd which help them aim better in cs
dw they are always like this :)
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